
Skirmish L of world of tanks: The Big One

You've done it. This week marks your 50th Skirmish! In recognition of this milestone, we're doing it large with an 8-on-8 tier IV battle on Northwest. So, dust off the keyboard and call your friends; it's about to get rowdy in here. And the best team can take home 5,000!

Registration Begins: Open Now!

Registration Ends: December 23, 2013, 09:00 PST (12:00 EST)

Skirmish L: The Big One

The following information is an overview only. Be sure to check these links for complete rules and regulations, or any late-breaking updates:

Tournament Page
Discussion Forum
Team & Tier Limit Rules
With a maximum of eight players per battle, a team (maximum 11 players per team) must field a selection of tanks based on the maximum tier limits below:

Heavy: IV
Medium: IV
Light: IV
Artillery: IV
32 points maximum
Map: Northwest
Victory Conditions
Winner of each round will be determined as the first to three victories on the given map
Each battle will last 10 minutes
The Standard battle mode will be used for this tournament.
Only 64 teams will be allowed to participate, and teams will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
The full schedule will be provided at the close of registration, once the final team count has been determined. Rounds will begin each day at 19:30 PST (22:30 EST). Curious what time this is in your region? Use this handy Time Zone Converter to help you out!

Round 1: December 23
Round 2: December 24
(No battles on December 25)
Round 3: December 26
Round 4: December 27
Round 5: December 28
Round 6: December 29
There will be a two-minute break between battles for each round.

The following prizes will be provided to each member of the respective winning team, including reserve members:

First Place: 5,000
Second Place: 2,000
Third Place: 1,000
Fourth Place: 1,000

